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Home / Products / vital-signs-devices

Monitor Defibrillator

  • Biphasic Manual and AED up to 360J
  • Universal AED algorithm for adult and paediatric patients
  • Non invasive pacing SpO2
  • EtC02
  • NIBP
  • 12 leads acquisition ECG Interpretation 80 mm printer.
  • Up to six ECG waveforms on screen simultaneously.
  • CPR guidance device in real time ( Push Pad).
  • Data transmission (GSM, Bluetooth, USB…)


 Biphasic technology

Lightweight unit with multiparameter
monitoring capabilities

Synchronized Cardioversion

12 leads ECG data transmission

Pulse Oximetry with Masimo
SET for adult and paediatric
patients (optional)

Capnography from Masimo for intubated and not intubated patients (optional)

Configured according to ERC/AHA guidelines 2015 and its ERC/ AHA review of 2017

Data transmission: GSM, Bluetooth and USB. Configured according to the user needs (optional)

Universal AED algorithm for
adult and paediatric patients.

4+6 leads patient cable

Non-invasive pacing (optional)

12 leads Interpretative Algorithm,
University of Glasgow

Non-Invasive Blood Pressure
from SunTech (optional)

“Push Pad” device, reports the quality of the frequency and depth of chest compressions in real time (optional)

Automatic daily selftest ensures the device continual readiness