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Home / Products / vital-signs-devices

Essential in each corner of the hospital, starting from ER and Triage Room to ICU and floor stations, will be medical devices and diagnostics ideal for watching over patients.

MD 100

Feel Cardioprotected

Two options:
• Semiautomatic
• Fully- Automatic
Adult and pediatric patient use.

Alerts about the battery and pads status.

CPR with metronome and feedback.

Configured according to ERC/AHA guidelines.

MD 300 manual

AED with Manual override

Biphasic with Manual override up to 360J.

Universal AED algorithm for adult and paediatric patients.

CPR guidance device in real time (Push Pad).

Possibility to configure the screen on high contrast mode.

“Autotraining” mode in the same

md 500 ems

Compact Multiparameter Monitor Defibrillator

Biphasic Manual and AED up to 360J.

Universal AED algorithm for adult and paediatric patients.

Non invasive pacing SpO2

12 leads acquisition ECG Interpretation
80 mm printer

Up to six ECG waveforms on screen simultaneously.

CPR guidance device in real time ( Push Pad).

Data transmission (GSM, Bluetooth, USB…).

md 700

Monitor Defibrillator Manual

Monitor Defibrillator biphasic up to 200 J.

Universal AED algorithm for adult and paediatric patients.

Non invasive pacing
External adult and paediatric paddles
50 mm printer
12 leads acquisition

Different Power supply options:
– AC power supply
– Rechargeable battery
– DC power supply

md 800

The unique modular Defibrillator Monitor “plug & play” of the market

Defibrillator Monitor multiparameter.

Manual and AED up to 360J.

Universal AED algorithm for adult and paediatric patients.

12 leads acquisition.

ECG interpretation.

Non invasive pacing.

Sp02, SpCO, SpMet,SpHb, SpOC, PVI
CPR assistance
Data transmission (Bluetooth, GSM)